How to Exercise: Stretching

Every normal person can start exercise but I must recommend before start this activity you should get medical clearance from your family doctor.
Why is it so important to get clearance from doctor?
Answer is sometimes we never feel any sign of illness and we just start exercising. This sort of activity can result a major loss.
Once you get doctor clearance then check your affordability for exercise costume like
·         Comfortable trouser & shirt
·         Flexible jogging joggers
·         Towel Wrist gripper
·         Cap or hair catcher
If you can’t afford these things then don’t feel sad you still can do exercise. Just wear whatever you want; your costume should be comfortable.
When you finally plan to start exercise then just relax and start your physical activity as simple as you can. I recommend few exercises that do not require equipments.
Purpose of these exercises
These exercises look very simple but really strengthen your heart and other large muscles.
·         Start slowly avoid speedy activity
·         Do one activity for few minutes then slowly increase time & level of activity.
Now let’s start exercise…
Warm Up & Cool Down Stretches
Ankle Calf Stretch
1.       Relax take a deep breath and follow steps as shown in below pictures.
2.       Face the wall standing about 02 feet away
3.       Keep your feet flat and your back straight
4.       Place your both hands just in front of your face on the wall
5.       Now lean forward slowly, press your hands and forehead to the wall
6.       You must feel stretch above your heal
7.       Hold stretch for 20-25 seconds and then relax
8.       Repeat step 2 to step 7
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Stretches the Quadriceps
1.       Relax take a deep breath and follow steps as shown in below pictures.
2.       Face the wall standing about 01 feet away or grip chair firmly with left hand
3.       Raise your right leg behind by gripping heal with your right hand
4.       Gently pull your foot towards your buttock
5.       You must feel stretch in the front of  your right leg
6.       Hold stretch for 20-25 seconds and then relax
7.       Same repeat the step for left leg
8.       Repeat step 2 to step 7
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Groin Stretch
1.       Relax take a deep breath and follow steps as shown in below pictures.
2.       Squat down, put your both hands on floor in front of you
3.       Keep your right foot flat on floor
4.       Stretch your left leg Straight behind you
5.       Bend your right knee and lean forward with your chest
6.       Gradually toggle your weight at left leg and stretch straight, put weight on your foot fingures
7.       You will feel stretch at your foot and groin
8.       Hold stretch for 20-25 seconds and then relax
9.       Same repeat the step for right leg stretching behind
10.   Repeat step 2 to step 9
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Hamstring  Stretch
1.       Relax take a deep breath and follow steps as shown in below pictures.
2.       Lie down straight with flat back
3.       Feet should be flat on floor (at least 6 inches gap between feet)
4.       Now bend your right leg; knee towards chest and grab thigh with both hands behind knee
5.       Feel stretch at the back of your leg
6.       Hold stretch for 20-25 seconds and then relax
7.       Same repeat the step for left leg
8.       Repeat step 2 to step 7
(photo source:

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