Advanced Seated Spinal Twist Stretches Glutes

Advanced Seated Spinal Twist is a great way to relieve stress, stiffness. This exercise gently massages body organs. When organs are in regular motion on daily basis they control toxic generation inside body that causes diseases. You might do this exercise unintentionally but try to do proper steps can give great satisfaction and sense of relaxation.  
Advanced Seated Spinal Twist Stretch Glutes

1.       Sit on the floor with straight legs.
2.       Bend right knee on the floor that your right foot touches your buttocks.
3.       Bend left knee and place left foot on the floor against outside of right knee.
4.       Place left hand on the floor at left side.
5.       Gently push left leg with your right arm and turn upper body to right side.
6.       You feel stretch at your glutes; hold that position at least for 15-20 seconds.
7.       Back to previous position and relax.
8.       Switch legs and arms and repeat exercise.
1.       Easier to expand lungs and deep breath.
2.       Good for asthma.
3.       Develop shoulder motion and rotation.
4.       Release tension and stiffness in the upper back.
5.       Improve blood circulation, digestion system.
6.       Give extra flexibility to spine and muscles.
7.       Reduce neck pain.

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