Simple Front Shoulder Stretch Improves Flexibility

It is simple shoulder exercise that can increase motion of shoulder. In generally it expands the shoulder muscles both sides. It gives a great pain relief at shoulder and make your arm movement easy and flexible.
Simple Front Shoulder Stretch Improves Flexibility

Simple Front Shoulder Stretch Improves Flexibility

1.       Stand free straight.
2.       Grab your left elbow with your right hand. (both picture styles desireable)
3.       Now pull it gently across your body.
4.       Stretch as much as you can, hold that position at least 15-20 seconds.
5.       Return back to your normal position and relax
6.       Switch arms and repeat exercise.
1.       Rotates and stabilized the shoulders.
2.       Make Strong and flexible shoulder rotators and joint alignment.
3.       Improves your sudden moves.
4.       Relief in deep shoulder pain.
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